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How to Analyze my Creative CTR on my push notification campaigns?
How to Analyze my Creative CTR on my push notification campaigns?
Written by Admaven support
Updated over a week ago
  1.  Go to Reports And choose "Push Notification" 

    2. Then you will have the choose how you want to look at your campaign stats - you can go by:

Date - if you want to look at your creative on a day to day basis

Campaign - If you want to look at the campaign from the first day it started receiving traffic 

Country - If you want to look at your creative performance from the first day it started receiving traffic, only on the GEO level.

*The example on this article would be on the Campaign level, but it's the same process on all of the report options. 

Once you picked how you would like to look at your campaign, you will arrive at this Screen:

Then do the following: 

  1.  Go to the plus sign on the selected campaign: 

     2. Click on offer

3. Click on Banner  

Once you click on banner you will be able to see the stats specifically for each creative you tested.

Just to remind you: CTR is:  Clicks/Impressions 

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